Cong Fang

Assistant Professor
Peking University
Email: fangcong at pku dot edu dot cn


I am an assistant professor at Peking University. I was a postdoctoral researcher at University of Pennsylvania, hosted by Prof. Weijie Su and Qi Long in 2021, and at Princeton University hosted by Prof. Jason D. Lee in 2020. I received my Ph.D. at Peking Univerity, advised by Prof. Zhouchen Lin. I also work closely with Prof. Tong Zhang at UIUC.

My research interests are broadly in the machine learning algorithms and theory. I currently work on various aspects of optimization and the foundation of deep learning. The topics include, but are not limited to,

I am recruiting self-motivated Ph.D. and interns who have strong mathematical abilities or coding skills to work with me (you do not need to come from mathematics department). If you are interested, please send your detailed CV to my email. You can be also co-advised by Prof. Zhouchen Lin and may have the opportunity to work with my other advisors, in particular Prof. Tong Zhang and Weijie Su.

[Selected Papers]  [Books]  [Selected Talks]

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Selected Talks

  • Layer-Peeled Model: Toward Understanding Well-Trained Deep Neural Networks
    University of Pennsylvania, 2021.
  • Stochastic Nonconvex Optimization, SPIDER
    Guest lecture for EE539 at Princeton University, invited by Chi Jin, 2021.
  • Convex formulation of Overparameterized Deep Neural Networks
    Theory of Deep Learning Conference at Duke, invited by Rong Ge, 2020.